Product Description
Digital Conductivity Meter is a portable meter designed for measuring the concentration of dissolved solids in liquids. The device has a conductivity range of 0.0mS/cm to 4000mS/cm and an accuracy of +/-10%. It can be powered by either 110 or 220 V AC voltage, and it comes equipped with a rechargeable battery that allows for up to 200 hours of continuous operation. The meter also comes with an LCD readout, allowing users to easily view results at a glance. The unit is designed for use in determining the purity and concentration of solutions and also for checking the quality of water. This unit is equipped with a temperature sensor for easy measurement of both ambient temperatures as well as sample temperatures, allowing the user to get accurate readings in both cases. It offers accuracy within +/-0.5 percent at ranges between 20 and 500 microsiemens/cm at 25 degrees Celsius (77 degrees F). The dual display also allows the user to check the relative conductivity of two samples simultaneously, so he or she can easily compare results from one sample to another. It is capable of measuring the conductivity in the range between 0.00 and 20.00 microS/cm, with a minimum resolution of 0.01 microS/cm and an accuracy of +/- 10%. Conductivity reading is displayed on a large, high-contrast LCD screen that can be viewed from almost any angle and under any lighting condition.